Category: Revelation Track
I saw a dream about what will happen to nations and indigenous people on their ancestral lands, orchestrated by a people
In a world where power knows no bounds, there is an enigmatic but faceless organization out there which operates in the shadows, quietly and meticulously executing a grand plan to gain control over all lands on the planet. Their strategy is multifaceted, requiring patience, cunning, and unwavering determination. Within the wily web of this faceless…
A New Understanding About the “666” Global Government; when biochip will be forcefully implanted in humans.
At home on a Sunday, after a life-giving service in church, the word of the Lord came to me to increase my knowledge: “Some days ago, in the Garden of Eden, Satan the Serpent promised mankind through their first parents that they could become gods if they took the fruits he offered them. Now, take…
Over 2500 years old Prophecy of war between the United States, Israel and Iran
Shall we play with this scriptural prophecy? It feels convenient to hang this piece on the Holy Bible piece of Daniel chapter 8 before anyone accuses me of foretelling war or calls me a doomsayer. There will be a violent war between the US, Israel, and Iran. Provocation may be from the US and Israel…