Spiritualist in the Spirituality of Jesus Christ
We may all be Spiritualists but our Lord is not the same!
As Spiritualists, we may, in our diversity, bridge the chasm between the visible and invisible, navigating the realms between physical and spiritual existence, and traversing the boundaries separating reality from the unseen. Empowered by our spiritual capacity, we wield influence over physical outcomes of everything but limited to the confines of our bestowed or acquired authority, recognizing the diverse capacities inherent within each vessel of spiritual power. All Spiritualists are not on the same side of the spiritual divide and our litmus test is the means through which we access the realms be it by the Holy Spirit of Almighty God, or through the dark arts of witchcraft, sorcery, and other occult practices. The distinction is the sanctified conduit of the Holy Spirit via Jesus Christ, different from all other ways.
Price for Our Unique Spirituality
In the spirituality of Jesus Christ, we face constant battles against Lucifer, who became Satan, the leader of all fallen angels, known also as devils. He fiercely opposes us because he knows his time to face eternal punishment is approaching. Our mission is to prevent him from dragging humans down with him and his demons into the abyss of eternal fire. Their new ambition will certainly destroy humanity along with them because no alliance can move God by any inch. The devils need humans on their side for their new ambition after the one they had in heaven failed. I don’t have the full details of their new ambition but I have fragmented spiritual intel on it. It’s a relentless assault on God’s love for humanity. Our only recourse is to fight back and rescue as many as we can through the redemptive work of Christ.
Satan and his devils attack us through various means, including but not limited to their human followers, governments, systems, policies, false religions, spiritual assaults, financial pressures, sinful temptations, slander, and endless schemes. They even infiltrate churches and Christian ministries to spread false teachings and doctrines, promoting unity among religions and compromising the truth. We’re often despised by other spiritualists because our beliefs, goals, and allegiances are fundamentally different and incompatible. We serve Jesus, and those who embrace our ministry stand with us in our mission for Him. Superior to their attacks is the completed works of Jesus during his mission to humans’ world. Simply put, we walk in his victory which makes us more than conquerors!
Entrepreneurial Interest
One of my earliest fascinations in life centers around agribusiness, particularly when farming is involved. There’s an inherent thrill in this sector that I find deeply engaging. If I had the means, I’d allocate half of the world’s land to farming endeavors, reserving the remainder for real estate ventures, recreational centers, and infrastructure projects aimed at facilitating others’ endeavors.
Another passion of mine within the realm of entrepreneurship lies in realizing the dreams of aspiring business owners. I’m drawn to the vibrant energy of entrepreneurial environments, where individuals passionately pursue seemingly audacious dreams. While many may deem these ventures as destined for failure, entrepreneurs view them through a lens of unwavering hope and faith. It’s this unique blend of optimism and conviction that propels them forward against all odds.
My involvement in entrepreneurial circles has fueled my desire to contribute to the realization of individuals’ full potential, particularly through human capacity development and financial empowerment. I’ve observed firsthand how limitations in these areas can hinder entrepreneurial success, prompting me to focus on initiatives aimed at bridging these gaps.
In essence, my entrepreneurial interests span agribusiness, the dynamic realm of entrepreneurship itself, human capacity development, and providing financial resources to support entrepreneurial endeavors.
Governance Interest
State governance holds tremendous power, capable of shaping destinies with profound impact through its actions. When governance falls into unfit hands, it often leaves the virtuous pleading for intervention. Thus, it becomes imperative for every citizen to engage in governance, seeking to mitigate the adverse consequences that may arise. However, the harsh reality often sees power eluding those who genuinely seek to serve the common good.
My contemplation on state governance spans five essential dimensions. Firstly, it entails fostering enduring political stability through dialogue and consensus-building. Secondly, it encompasses the establishment of robust security measures to safeguard lives and property, a cornerstone of societal harmony. Thirdly, it involves nurturing a culture of tolerance, recognizing and respecting diversity within society. Fourthly, it entails ensuring equitable access to essential services, with an emphasis on fostering individual initiative and effort.
Yet, my foremost concern lies in conceptualizing a governance model where the government acts as a benevolent custodian, intimately attuned to the needs of its populace. In this paradigm, governance transcends its traditional role, assuming a stewardship akin to a trusted ally. Through provision, protection, empowerment, and guidance, the government serves as a facilitator, enabling individuals to realize their fullest potential without encroaching upon the rights and destinies of others.
Social Interest
Let’s say there are a billion people waiting for me to come and share about God or show His power. I’m okay with being in the spotlight for that, but I’m not a big fan of big social events where all the attention is on me. I’m not great at swimming, but I like giving it a try at the pool or beach when there are other people around doing their own thing. I enjoy watching soccer with passionate fans, even though I used to support Barcelona FC until Messi stayed too long and caused some problems for the team. I’m not thinking of switching to another club in the English Premier League though.
I prefer gatherings that are kind of casual, where people dress comfortably but still look nice. I like chatting with new people without it feeling forced. If the conversation isn’t flowing, I’m fine just chilling out until something interesting comes up. The best kind of event for me is one where people from all over the world come together for music, art, comedy, and other entertainment. And of course, there has to be plenty of food and drinks around, and I prefer blending in as just another person, not standing out too much.
I want to have fun, laugh, and be myself, even though some people might expect me to act a certain way because I’m a follower of Jesus Christ. Some people who have experienced God through me might think I’m supernatural, but really, it’s all because of the Lord’s work. And just so you know, not all followers of the Lord are super serious all the time — we’re human too, and yes, we even fart!
Spiritual Assignment
I’ve been entrusted with a profound spiritual stewardship concerning the imminent taking over and everlasting dominion of the Almighty God over humans’ world. It echoes the very mission for which Jesus Christ traversed the human realm — the redemption of mankind and their seamless entry into the forthcoming realm directly under the Almighty’s Dominion, devoid of contention as we witness in this current era. In that coming time, humanity shall not just perceive but dwell in the ethereal realms as Adam once did, yet those who remain unenlightened and refused the salvation offering from the Almighty, will find themselves barred from entry into the forthcoming eternal dominion of GOD, akin to being denied a visa. Within this impending dispensation, the abode earmarked for those denied access to the new order is the arguably the said-metaphorical but in truth, a literal lake of fervent flames, often famously labeled as ‘hellfire’, a realm designated solely for Lucifer and the fallen angels.
Initially, I resisted this divine calling, instead harboring aspirations of contributing significantly to the advancement of humankind. My self-envisioned path involved the exploration, creation, or innovation of solutions geared toward unleashing the full potential of myriad entrepreneurs. I ardently believe in the latent greatness within each individual! Nonetheless, my perspective underwent a profound transformation upon a divine encounter during my convalescence, at the precipice of my mortal passage. Subsequent to my recovery, introspective contemplation and devout meditation led me to the realization that the paramount purpose I could bequeath to the generations preceding, contemporaneous, and subsequent to my earthly tenure is to embrace this divine commission wholeheartedly. My purpose now crystallizes in illuminating the path to eternal salvation — the gateway to the forthcoming dominion instead of consignment to the abyss with Satan and his ilk — elucidating its necessity and guiding others toward its attainment, much akin to the teachings of Jesus prior to his ascension.
Certainly, I do not lay claim to the mantle of the Savior; rather, I am but one among the multitudes of servants to the Savior’s cause.
It is imperative to underscore that God designated Jesus Christ as the conduit for mankind’s redemption — the transition from the celestial realm to the forthcoming new space and order. However, this divine grace is extended solely to those receptive to its embrace. Henceforth, Jesus, in his benevolence, has elected me, alongside numerous other servants, to disseminate his teachings and facilitate the journey toward eternal salvation through enlightenment, personal conviction, acceptance, and the indwelling of the Holy Spirit, who shall thereafter guide the faithful along their spiritual journey.
While Jesus currently resides in the celestial expanse, reigning from his heavenly abode alongside God, the Father of all celestial beings — including ourselves — the omnipresent Spirit of God, embodied by the Holy Spirit within us, establishes an unbroken conduit for communion with our heavenly Father and our Master, Jesus Christ, whenever the need arises. While these notions may initially appear nebulous or perplexing to you, accompanying me on this journey will unveil the spiritual realm through the teachings of Jesus Christ, dispelling in you any lingering skepticism or uncertainty.